
Responsible Mineral Sourcing Statement

Chu Wu commitments and implement for qualified cobalt metal are as follows: To meet with customer needs, surveys are conducted based on the Cobalt Mineral Survey Template (CRT) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). Suppliers are required to conduct

conscientious and reasonable investigation on the supply chain t o ensure that there is no illegalcobalt metal in the materials supplied to Chu Wu. Request our suppliers to immediately inform us if any cobalt metal is produced for use in items supplied to Chu Wu.

Chu Wu has made reasonable efforts to require our suppliers to meet the requirements of conflict-free minerals, and our commitment and implement for conflict-free minerals are as follows:

To meet with customer needs, suppliers are required to conduct conscientious a n d reasonable investigation on the supply chain to ensure that there are no conflict minerals in the materials provided by suppliers to Chu Wu. We request our suppliers to immediately inform us if conflict minerals are used in items supplied to Chu Wu.Conduct investigations in accordance with the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Conflict Minerals Investigation Template (CMRT) to meet customer and legal requirements.